Around the physical body there are several invisible bodies including the emotional body, the mental body, the memory body and the spiritual body. All the bodies are connected by many chakras through which they exchange energy. The main seven chakras are the base or root chakra, the sacral or navel chakra, the solar plexus, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the brow chakra (or the third eye) and the crown chakra. All the main chakras superimposed on main organs and systems of the body along the spinal code, from the coccyx bone at the base to the top of the head.

Why Chakras Need to Be Cleaned and Healed?

Energy is everything and any part of the body that is deprived of energy becomes sick and disfunctional. When a particular chakra is dirty or too slow or too fast, there is imbalance in the organ or system that it controls.

For example when the throat chakra is dirty or blocked, a person has problems expressing himself or telling the truth and may suffer from frequent throat infections and fear of being judged. A blocked heart chakra leads to problems with giving and receiving love and even anger and jealousy issues.

When you develop a problem such as infertility, poor creativity, low self esteem, lack of money, poor memory, etc., it is a sign that there is a chakra that is not working. It can be blocked, or too slow or too fast and any of these states give problems that require chakra healing.

It is therefore very important to keep all the main chakras clean, spinning in the right direction, spinning at the right speed and working in harmony. Chakra healing and cleaning is necessary to slow down over-active chakras and to stimulate under-active chakras and to clean and unblock them.

12 Benefits of Chakra Healing

Chakra healing improves well-being at physical, emotional and mental levels as energy flows better between the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the memory body. Some of the many benefits of chakra cleaning and healing are:

<strong>The Benefits of Chakra Healing:

  • More energy
  • Better overall health
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Better communication
  • Better decision making
  • Clear and focused mind
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved ability to enjoy life
  • Ability to enjoy healthy relationships
  • Can accept love and forgiveness better
  • Healthier expression and release of emotions
  • Faster healing of emotional, mental and physical problems

There are a number of chakra healing methods that you can use to keep the chakras clean and in balance. However, the best way to clean and balance the chakras for long term benefits is to seek the services of a therapist.

“You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” Irene C. Kassorla

HOME TIP: Easy & Quick Home Chakra Healing Through Meditation

This chakra healing method relies on creative visualisation and affirmation. It can be done in less than 10 minutes and it can be done daily. It is wise to create and memorise the affirmations.

1.  Imagine a stream of light flowing down from above. It lands on the crown chakra and brightens it up with white light. Keep it there for a minute and affirm that the chakra is perfectly healthy and functional.

 2.  Allow the stream of light to continue down to the brow chakra which then lights up to a brilliant purple ball of light. Keep the light there for a minute while affirming that the brow chakra is perfect, clean, healthy and functional.

3.  Allow the stream of light to continue down to the throat chakra which then lights up to a brilliant blue ball of light. Focus on the throat chakra for a minute while affirming that it is perfectly healthy and functional.

4.  Allow the stream of light to continue down to the heart chakra which then lights up to a bright green or pink colour. Keep the light there for a minute while affirming that the heart chakra is perfectly healthy and functional.

5.  Next move the stream of light to the solar plexus which immediately lights up to a brilliant yellow ball of light. Keep your focus there for a minute while affirming that the solar plexus is perfectly healthy and functional.

6.  Allow the stream of light to move to the navel chakra which immediately lights up to a bright orange colour. Stay on the navel chakra for a minute while affirming that it is healthy, perfect and functional.

7.  Finally move the stream of light to the base chakra which immediately lights up to a bright red ball of light. Stay there for a minute while affirming health and perfection for the chakra.

Now if you move your spiritual eye up and down you can see that you are lit up like a Christmas tree. Affirm that all your chakras are healthy, clean and working in harmony with each other. Now allow the stream of light to flow to the rest of the body. You can now end your meditation.

Supportive Chakra Healing Through Crystals

Chakra healing can be effected through the use of the right crystals. If you have your own collection of crystals at home you can do it yourself. Better still, get the services of a crystal healer who will put the right crystals in the right position.

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and it is red in colour. It can be enhanced by crystals such as black onyx, red jasper, hematite, red garnet and smoky quartz.

The Navel Chakra is the 2nd chakra located just below the navel in the area of the uterus for women. It is associated with the colour orange and is seen as orange through the spiritual eye. It can be healed with the use of coral, moonstone, carnelian and citrine.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the the 3rd chakra that is located just above the navel and it is associated with the colour yellow. It can be healed and balanced by the use of citrine, yellow jade, pyrite and rutilated quartz.

The Heart Chakra is the 4th chakra that is located in the chest area and is superimposed on the thymus gland. It is associated with the colour green or pink by those who can see the aura. It can be healed and balanced through the use of amazonite, emerald, aventurine, green calcite, rose quartz and chrysoprase.

The Throat Chakra is the 5th chakra that is just above the collar bone, superimposed on the thyroid gland. It is connected to the colour blue and those who can see the aura can see it as blue. It can be healed through the use of angelite, lapis lazuli, apatite, sodalite and aquamarine.

The Brow Chakra, known as the third eye, is the 6th chakra located between and just above the eye brows. It looks purple to those with spiritual sight. For chakra healing use angelite, charoite, lolite, fluorite and amethyst.

The Crown Chakra is the 7th chakra that is located at the top of the head and is associated with with the colour violet. For chakra healing use clear quartz, emethyst, ametrine, blue lace agate, or lepidolite.

Chakra healing can also be effected through the consumption of the right foods, massage and essential oils. Whatever method you choose to use will work to bring back balance among the chakras, to clean the chakras and to get them working again.

Length: 60 minutes
Price: 50 €