Positive thinking is a habit that you can cultivate and develop over time. Like all habits it takes time to develop it and it is easy to fall back into old habits. Before we get to the point of developing the habit of positive thinking we need to understand what it is and why it is important.

What Positive Thinking is Not

The opposite of positive thinking is negative thinking. Negative thinking is pessimism. It is seeing only the bad and the potentially bad in certain people and certain situations. People who think negatively tend to create exactly what they focus on. Their lives are filled with depression, pain and suffering because they create negative outcomes, always. Such people can be a pain to be with because they are constantly complaining either about the weather, the economy, the boss, the partner or whatever they can think of complaining about. These are the people who create illness, job losses, relationship losses and all types of losses in their lives.

Benefits of Positive Thinking:
  • Better health
  • More confidence
  • Boost of motivation
  • Better relationships
  • Good things in your life
  • Less stress more success

What is Positive Thinking Then?

Positive thinking is the type of thinking that is positive in every way. People who practice positive thinking focus on positive outcomes even when the situation is bad. They expect to be healthy even when there is an epidemic and they almost always create positive outcomes out of any situation. They get jobs and make money even when the economy is bad. They enjoy their relationships to the full and almost always keep those relationships. Those who do not understand will say such people are lucky yet luck has nothing to do with it. The key is positive thinking.

So what is the Power behind Positive Thinking?

Human beings are creators. We create whatever we focus our minds on. That is why it says in the Bible, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7).

We are basically what we think. It’s not fleeting thought that really matters. It is that deep belief within the heart, the underlying platform on which we think that really affects our lives. It is not the words that we say in conversation that have the highest impact but the thoughts that we bear in our minds when we wake up at night or when we are not aware.

Many kids have fulfilled their parents‘ thoughts many times. Some parents keep thinking that the son will be imprisoned one day because of the way he behaves now at 14 years, and they keep telling him that, and they lie awake at night worrying about it. It is no surprise if the son gets into trouble with the law. The poor young man has no control because the powerful negative thoughts of the parents control his behavior. There are also parents who believe that only the best will happen to their children. Such parents speak positively to their children and they speak positively about their children. Such children achieve great things when they become adults. They cannot help fulfilling the powerful positive thoughts of the parents.

The one who constantly worries and complains about the economy and loses sleep because of it is the one who loses his job or his business.

The one who sees only positive outcomes no matter what happens is the one who survives job losses and grows his business under all circumstances.

That is how powerful the human mind is. The human mind is so powerful that it will create illness or health, abundance or lack, friendship or loneliness, a mansion or a shack, a battered jalope or a Lamboghini.

So Why Do People Not Take Advantage of Positive Thinking?

People learn positive thinking and negative thinking from the way they are raised.

The child whose parents think positive about him generally speak positively to him and praise him when he does right and give advice when he makes an error. They encourage him all the way. Such a child will develop self confidence and believe that he can do anything. Such a child grows into an adult who thinks positively.

The child who gets only negative talk and criticism and discouragement grows up into an adult with low self esteem and one who thinks negatively. Because most people grow up in disfunctional families it is not surprising to find that most people think negatively. They are not even aware of the habit until someone points it out. And even when it is pointed out they do not know how to reverse their negative thinking into positive thinking.

How Can We Develop Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking is a habit that has to be developed. When you become aware that you are a negative thinker, you have to make an intention to think positively as a new habit. In order to keep track of the trend of your thoughts it is better to keep a journal of your thoughts. For every area in your life write a positive outcome that you want. For example, let’s say that the economy is bad and some companies are laying off their workers. Do not start thinking and worrying about job loss.
What exactly do you want? 

I would assume that you want to keep your job, So:

  • Write down the desired outcome, which is that everyone in your organisation gets to keep their jobs.
  • Create a scene in the crucible of your mind in which the boss announces at the end of the financial year that the organization doubled its revenue because of new international customers and that everyone is getting a bonus. What is the result of that speech? Cheering? Write that scene down.
  • Now visualize this scene every night (or day) before falling asleep. Hear the boss saying what you want to hear. In your mind’s eye see everyone cheering the boss. Turn to your colleagues and shake hands or hug or do whatever is natural to you.
  • Think about that scene when you wake up at night.
  • Think of that scene when you are at work even when things are not right.
  • If you repeat that scene in your head every day before going to bed and stay feeling positive while at work, that scene will become a reality. If you catch yourself worrying quickly shift your thinking to positive. Do not associate with people who are worried about lay-offs.
  • As a result of your habit of positive thinking, not only will the company keep all employees but it prospers and everyone is financially rewarded. Try it and see things changing at your work place.

This method can be applied to any area of your life in which you require a positive outcome.

Whenever you worry about something, create in your mind a scene that implies that your desire is fulfilled. Then focus only on that outcome. Eventually positive thinking becomes a habit and never again will you become a victim of your negativity.